Re: Puzzle

From: Wolfgang Lux <>
Date: Tue, 01 Dec 1998 14:51:34 +0000

So, here are my (I think correct) solutions:

1) 1 | 3 | 5
2) 1 | 3 | 5
3) 1 | 5

The reason why 3 is a possible solution in the first two cases is, that even though the local definition of g looks like a variable, it really is not. As the report says at the bottom of page 5 "a defining equation f = g between functions will be interpreted in Curry as syntactic sugar for the corresponding defining equation f x = g x on base types." Therefore the local definition of g inside of f1 really was

  where g x = incr x
        g x = decr x

The same will also hold in case 2) even though h1 and h2 are variables. However the type inference will tell you that g must have type a->a, so the definition of g inside f2 is also really

  where g x = h1 x
        g x = h2 x

In the third case, g now really is a variable and not a function (type inference will tell you, that h3 be of type a->a->b->c and that g, h1, and h2 are of type a. Thus g is evaluated only once.

My final question, now, is: Does this really make sense to you? I really had to look twice into the report to convince myself that the solutions of 1) weren't 1|5. The variations 2) and 3) then were attempts to achieve this result.


Wolfgang Lux				  Phone: +49-251-83-38263
Institut fuer Wirtschaftinformatik	    FAX: +49-251-83-38259
Universitaet Muenster		Email:
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