Re: Status of this list

From: Michael Hanus <>
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 1998 16:37:09 +0200

Sven Panne wrote:
> After incidentally stumbling over
> again, I was pretty surprised to find a new draft (Jun 29 1998) on
> Curry. Is this list dead? The least thing I expect to find here are
> announcements for such events. And although I welcome most of the
> changes made, shouldn't they have been discussed here? Fruitful
> discussions (like e.g. in the Haskell mailing list) are essential for
> a good language design. To continue my list of wishes, I'd like to see
> discussions about implementations and applications here. Sigh...

I feel guilty here since I put the new draft on the web
and delayed its announcement. The reason is very simple.
Due to requests from some people, I put this slightly
improved version on the web. The changes are small
(description of layout rule included, simplification
of evaluation annotations according to my last message
to this list of May 6). I wanted to announce it to this
list but I delayed it due to various reasons.

I hope this list is not dead since several groups are
working on the implementation of Curry (see my message
of May 6), but it seems that many people prefer to write
me directly instead of using this list. I'll try in the future
to redirect interesting topics for discussion to this list.

Best regards,

Received on Do Aug 06 1998 - 17:40:00 CEST

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