Announcing TOY

From: Paco Lopez Fraguas <>
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 1997 11:42:58 +0100

For if someone could be interested, I reproduce a message which
we have posted to some Usenet newsgroups.


Paco Lopez Fraguas


* We announce a new release (v2.0) of TOY, a prototype system for
FUNCTIONAL LOGIC PROGRAMMING developed by some members of the
'Declarative Programming Group' ( at the
'Universidad Complutense de Madrid'.

* The main novelty of the new version of this narrowing-based
functional logic language is the inclusion on it of LINEAR CONSTRAINTS
over real numbers. This feature (together with the ability of managing
syntactic equality and disequality constraints, already present in
previous versions) converts TOY into a truly CONSTRAINT FUNCTIONAL
It is a common feeling in the functional logic community that
constraints can make a decisive contribution to the practical
application of functional logic programming.

* In you will find a
short description of TOY's features, together with instructions for
getting and running TOY. A user manual and other papers somehow related
to TOY can also be found there.

* TOY has been implemented by Jaime Sanchez Hernandez, Rafael Caballero
Roldan and Paco Lopez Fraguas. Please send your comments or suggestions
to any of the following addresses


Francisco J. Lopez-Fraguas
Dep. Sistemas Informaticos y Programacion
Fac. Matematicas Av. Complutense s/n
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
28040 Madrid
Phone: +34 1 3944429
Fax: +34 1 3944654
Received on Mo Okt 06 1997 - 13:48:00 CEST

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