Re: Curry

From: Michael Hanus <>
Date: Wed, 18 Dec 1996 17:13:34 +0100

Dear Friends,

I wanted to avoid to start with a discussion on the concrete syntax
because I think this is a minor (of course important) point which
can be easily changed. This was also the reason why I omitted
the grammar for the concrete syntax in the first proposal since
I think it will be rewritten many times. I am more interested
in a discussion on the *concepts* of the language, and from
this point of view I want to give short answers to Manuel's remarks.

Manuel Chakravarty wrote:
> * Why use `:' to annotate types and `:=' for equations. This seems
> picky, but it is not. Haskell allows type annotations in
> expressions (which is very important to resolve type ambiguities)
> and `:' would clash here with the infix list constructor.

Interesting point. However, please note that, in a functional logic
environment, we need one more equality. In Haskell you have two
kinds of equalities: a non-strict one (equations defining functions)
and a strict one (to compare data). In a logic environment you also
need an equality to add new constraints to your data (corresponding
to unification in pure logic programming). Therefore, we have to
distinguish these equalities by different pieces of syntax.
We have used the symbol := for defining equations since this
symbol expresses the fact that the defining equations are non-symmetric
and only used from left to right.

> * Why use lower case data constructors? The use of upper and lower
> case letters in Haskell carries semantic meaning, because
> constants are written in upper case and variables in lower
> case. You may think that you want to reserve upper case variables
> for ex. quant. variables, but you can introduce them by other
> syntactic means (see Escher, for example).

As we already discussed in Dagstuhl, it is not necessary to use
uppercase or lowercase characters for constructor or variables,
but the programmer is free to choose what he wants. There are
also other well-known languages which do not enforce uppercase/lowercase
rules, and in this context I think it is important to give the
programmer some freedom. Maybe in the future we can not only
distinguish syntactic objects by uppercase/lowercase, but also
by colors (my xemacs already does it, and this is quite nice).
So, why this restriction if it is not necessary?

> I think to remember that I already argued for a Haskell-like syntax at
> our meeting in Dagstuhl; I don't think that my arguments have been
> seriously considered so far.

The reason is, again, that I would like to fix the concepts first,
and afterwards the syntax.

> A last remark: I would even step back from some additional features,
> just to keep as close as possible to Haskell. As Simon said, the ideal
> solution would be a mere extension of Haskell without any change to
> the base language. Think about it!

I see here one important problem. In Haskell you define functions
by single equations, but these equations must be read in a particular
order. This works fine without free variables, but if you have to
consider free variables, it becomes difficult to consider the
order of equations. Moreover, my experience is that it is non-trivial
to understand the meaning of equations if the order is important.
For instance, it is fairly easy that the following definition
is reasonable by considering each single equation:

or True x = True
or x True = True
or False False = False

However, in order to understand the meaning of these equations,
in current functional languages, you have to understand the
pattern matching translation, i.e., these equations have the
following meaning (here I use the simple pattern matching compiler
without optimizations, from Simon's book):

or x y = case x of
           True -> True
           False -> case y of
                      True -> True
                      False -> case x of
                                  True -> ERROR
                                  False -> case y of
                                             True -> ERROR
                                             False -> False

After this explanation, students often have the impression that functional
languages are not the ideal of declarative programming since the order
of equations is so important.

This is one of the main differences between Curry and Haskell.
So-called uniform programs have the same meaning in Curry and
Haskell, but non-uniform programs as above have different meanings.
For instance, the valid Haskell program

f 0 = 1
f 0 = 2

is not valid in Curry. Although we can extend Curry to cover
the same sequential behavior, it is not clear to me how this
should work if non-determinism and free variables are added.
However, I am open to good proposals.

Best regards,

Received on Mi Dez 18 1996 - 17:16:14 CET

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