Curry mailing list (welcome)

From: Michael Hanus <>
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1996 15:57:20 +0100

Dear Colleague,

Welcome to the mailing list on the new integrated functional logic
language Curry. As I wrote you in my email of 11 Sep 1996,
this mailing list is intended for discussions on Curry,
a new declarative language intended to combine the worlds
of functional and logic programming languages.
You can write contributions to this mailing list by
sending an email to "".

I have delayed an announcement of this list until I have also created
a basis for the discussion. Thus, I have written a very first draft
describing the features of Curry. I send you the dvi-file of this
draft, which I already discussed with Herbert Kuchen, in the next
email. Although this draft is still incomplete, it shows the basic
features of the language. First, I would like to start a discussion on
these features, but not on the (preliminary) syntax.

In order to play with the concepts, in particular, with the
computational model, we have also implemented a first prototype
of the language, which I will make available at some later point.
I only want to mention here that all examples in the appendix
have been successfully executed with our prototype interpreter.

I have created some web pages where you can find in the future
all infos about Curry. The URL is .

I am looking forward to a constructive discussion on this first
proposal. In particular, the next Workshop on Functional Logic
Programming in Schwarzenberg (
will be a good opportunity for further discussions. I hope I will
meet you there. In the meantime, please use this mailing list
for all suggestions you have.

Best regards,

Received on Do Dez 05 1996 - 15:59:14 CET

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