***                                                 ***
***   T h i s   i s   t h e   A L F   s y s t e m   ***
***                                                 ***

This directory contains the implementation of the
functional-logic language ALF. The distribution of the
ALF system is free, but if you take the system it is assumed
that you agree with the license agreement contained in file
"LICENSE". It would be nice if you send us your name,
institution and email address so that we can inform you
about updates and other things concerning the ALF system.

The file "ALF.tar.Z" contains the ALF system in compressed
tar format. You have to copy this file, go to the directory
where you want to install the system (e.g., "/usr/local")
and then type

	zcat ALF.tar.Z | tar xvf -

You will find an installation guide (file "install.tex" in
the directory "ALF/docs") with more information.

General information about the ALF system can be found in the
file "info.tex" in the directory "ALF/docs".

The "ALF User's Manual" is in the file "user.tex" in the
directory "ALF/docs".

The current version of the ALF system is executable on
Sun3/Sun4 machines under SunOS 4.1.3, SunOS 5.4 (for SunOS 5.4,
please read the instruction in "ALF/implementation/README"),
or on PCs under Linux. The compiler is written in Prolog and the
emulator for A-WAM programs is written in C.
Hence you need a Prolog system (Quintus-Prolog 3.1.1,
Sicstus-Prolog 2.1 (patch-level 7 or more), SWI-Prolog 2.1.2,
or SB-Prolog 3.1) to compile ALF programs into A-WAM bytecode.
If you do not have Quintus-, Sicstus- or SWI-Prolog
on your machine available, you can also use the SB-Prolog version
of the ALF compiler (but then the ALF compiler will be slower).
The SB-Prolog system is public domain and can be obtained from
the University of Arizona (cs.arizona.edu). If you do not have
this system on your machine, you should also copy the compressed
tar file "SBprolog.tar.Z".

If you have any problems with the system, please mail to


Michael Hanus            email: mh@informatik.uni-kiel.de, hanus@acm.org
Institut fuer Informatik    phone: ++49-(0)431-880-7271 or -7270 (Secr.)
CAU Kiel, Olshausenstr. 40                     fax: ++49-(0)431-880-7613
D-24098 Kiel, Germany         URL: http://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~mh