21st Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming
WLP 2007

Würzburg, Germany
October 4-6, 2007

Co-located with INAP 2007

o  Workshop Description
o  Topics
o  Proceedings
o  Travel and hotel information
o  Registration
o  Important Dates
o  Submissions
o  Accepted Papers
o  Preliminary Program
o  Program Committee
o  Contact
o  Call for Papers

Workshop Description

The workshops on (constraint) logic programming are the annual meeting of the Society of Logic Programming (GLP e.V.) and bring together researchers interested in logic programming, constraint programming, and related areas like databases and artificial intelligence. Previous workshops have been held in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

In this year the workshop will be jointly organized with INAP 2007 (International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management) in order to promote the cross-fertilizing exchange of ideas and experiences among researches and students from the different communities interested in the foundations, applications, and combinations of high-level, declarative programming languages and related areas. The technical program of the workshop will include invited talks, presentations of refereed papers and demo presentations.

Previous workshops took place in Vienna (2006), Ulm (2005), Potsdam (2004), Dresden (2002), Kiel (2001),...


Contributions are welcome on all theoretical, experimental, and application aspects of constraint programming (CP) and logic programming (LP), including, but not limited to (the order does not reflect priorities):

  • Foundations of Constraint/Logic Programming
  • Constraint Solving and Optimization
  • Extensions: Functional Logic Programming, Objects
  • Deductive Databasis, Data Mining
  • Nonmonotonic Reasoning
  • Dynamics, Updates, States, Transactions
  • Interaction of CP/LP with other formalisms like Agents, XML, JAVA
  • Program Analysis, Program Transformation, Program Verification, Meta Pogramming
  • Parallelism and Concurrency
  • Answer-set Programming
  • Implementation Techniques
  • Software Techniques (e.g., Types, Modularity, Design Patterns)
  • Applications (e.g., in Production, Environment, Education, Internet)
  • Constraint/Logic Programming for Semantic Web Systems and Applications
  • Reasoning on the Semantic Web
  • Data Modelling for the Web, Semistructured Data, and Web Query Languages

The primary focus is on new and original research results but submissions describing innovative products, prototypes under development or interesting experiments (e.g., benchmarks) are also encouraged.


The formal post-conference proceedings containing selected papers of INAP/WLP 2007 have been published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series as volume 5437.

Cover of the proceedings


There is one single registration for INAP/WLP 2007. Please visit the registration form to register for INAP/WLP 2007 before September 3, 2007.

Important Dates

Paper Submission: July 1, 2007
Notification: July 13, 2007
Camera-ready: August 12, 2007
Workshop: October 4-6, 2007

Submission Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract (no longer than 10 pages including figures and references) or a system description (no longer than 3 pages) in PDF or Postscript format (11pt). Submissions should include the title, authors' names, affiliations, addresses, and e-mail. All submissions must be written in English. Authors are strongly encouraged to use LaTeX2e and the Springer llncs class file, available here. All submissions must be original work. Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally published workshops proceedings may be submitted.

Papers should be submitted to the submission website for WLP 2007. If you have any problems with submitting papers, please send an email to the program chair.

Program Committee

Slim AbdennadherGerman University Cairo
Christoph BeierleFernUniv. Hagen
Jürgen DixClausthal University of Technology
Thomas EiterVienna University of Technology
Tim FurcheLMU München
Ulrich GeskeUniv. Potsdam
Michael HanusCAU Kiel (Chair)
Petra HofstedtTU Berlin
Sebastian SchaffertSalzburg Research
Torsten SchaubUniv. Potsdam
Sibylle SchwarzUniv. Halle
Dietmar SeipelUniv. Würzburg
Michael ThielscherTU Dresden
Hans TompitsVienna University of Technology
Armin WolfFhG FIRST


For additional information about papers and submissions, please contact the Program Chair:

Michael Hanus
PC Chair - WLP 2007
Institut für Informatik
Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel
D-24098 Kiel, Germany
Email: mh@informatik.uni-kiel.de

Call for Papers

You can view or download the Call for Papers as

Michael Hanus